2011년 2월 16일 수요일


I was quite surprised when the glass gave way
I was beyond words; I cannot hope to say
What was the problem, what was the matter
When I hit the hard earth with a sickening splatter

I did not foresee that things would turn this bad
It was only when I fell I knew I’d been had
I was falling at 9.8 meters per second per second
I was imagining this; I was but dreaming, I reckoned.

But alas, fate was against me that day
For all my longing, it was useless to pray
The wind blew past my face, whipping my ears
My life flashed before me, recalling my years.

One last word of advice before my time runs out
When you’re thrown at a window, put up a last shout
For there is nothing the world can do for you
If your window is fastened with nothing but glue.

댓글 1개:

  1. Nice turtle pic. Nice work.

    Cool poem. Funny, good rhythm, and great ending (not literally, but yeah...you know what I mean).
    With these skills, I bet you could write a 570 page book that rhymes. Or at least a short story (or a really long poem) for this class.
