2011년 4월 5일 화요일

Something beautiful

The pattern of a wedding dress's lace
The smile of a newborn baby’s face
The glittering glow of the mother’s grace
The soft padding of a toddler’s pace
Things that are beautiful.

The first breath from a baby’s lungs
The first word from the baby’s tongue
The first tune a child has sung
The first smile from a face so young
Things that are beautiful.

The last smile of a person of old
The last words of wisdom, of pure gold
The last embrace, the last chance to hold
The last eulogy that shall be told
Things that will always be beautiful.

I was rather pressed for rhymes so it might be a bit awkward...

댓글 1개:

  1. Beautiful - and kind of sad in a happy way as well. I like how you've ordered things in such a way that the circle of life is drawn. This poem is accessible, simple, and graceful without being too much of anything. I really like it. As for the rhymes, it doesn't even really need to rhyme and I have no problem with any "awkwardness."

    Anyways, I identify with this poem because these are all things I've been thinking about a lot at my ripe young age of not so youthful post-30. All these things await you guys, and it's nice to think that all these things are common threads amongst almost all humans. A very neatly drawn image of human experience. Good work.
